Solar energy

Solar energy: the perfect match for wind power

Wind and solar power are two complementary energy sources for building a resilient electricity mix. Kallista Energy has therefore naturally diversified into solar power, and is developing new projects to rapidly increase its solar electricity production.

Solar energy is booming worldwide. The price of solar panels has been divided by more than 10 since the 2001s, making solar one of the cheapest energies to install.

Kallista Energy is developing ground-mounted solar farm projects:
– on artificial/degraded land (former quarries, wasteland, industrial zones, etc.)
– on agricultural land with ‘agrivoltaic’ parks.


In France, an agrivoltaic park is “a solar power plant located on an agricultural plot of land that contributes sustainably to the installation, maintenance or development of agricultural production ”2.  

throughout the project

Consultation with the local population, government departments and local stakeholders takes place at every stage.

Some advantages of solar energy:

The sun is free;
the energy required to manufacture and recycle a solar panel offset in 1 to 1.5 years;
there are no direct CO 2 emissions during the operation of a solar farm.
a solar farm is perfectly compatible with agricultural activity;
solar panels do not consume water during operation;
a solar farm is reversible: the land can be returned to its original state once operation is complete;
degraded or artificial land (quarries, industrial or polluted sites, etc.) can be valorized with solar farms;
100% of a solar panel can be recovered and 85% is recyclable

Raising sheep under solar panels

More space, better grass quality, improved animal welfare, protection against the vagaries of the weather (drought, storms…). Discover the advantages of a photovoltaic installation located on the same plot as agricultural production with the testimonials of two farmers who have been raising their herds under solar panels since 2015.

Voir la vidéo
Learn more about solar energy