Kallista’ comes from a Greek word meaning “the most beautiful”. This word echoes our Group’s commitment to producing energies that enable us to preserve a sustainable future for future generations.
In its 6th synthesis report, the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) states that solar and wind power are our best solutions for effectively reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.

Long-term approach with the aim of producing electricity at the best economic and environmental cost.
Our group combines growth and resilience through a mix of geographies and technologies.
Kallista Energy’s operations encompass wind, solar, electric mobility and battery storage, with teams in France, Germany and the Netherlands.
Kallista Energy is engaged in every phase of wind energy projects including development, acquisition, financing, construction, operation and repowering. Our group functions not only as a diligent asset manager but also as a development and operational platform, equipped with the necessary technical resources and a team of skilled professionals. The Group’s management strategy is rooted in maintaining the highest quality standards and fostering long-term partnerships with suppliers, enabling us to ;
- Capitalize on the work accomplished and the experience gained, enhancing our efficiency.
- Develop a climate of rigour, trust and transparency, which can only be achieved through the continuity of our teams and over the long term.
Our team is composed of individuals with complementary skills, allowing us to balance quality with responsiveness across various domains; development, acquisition (M&A, due diligence, consultancy), financing, construction, maintenance and supervision. The Group’s operators, based in the regions, ensure a close link with the areas in which we operate.
Acquiring projects or assets
Kallista Energy ensures its external growth by acquiring projects or power plants of all sizes. We integrate all expertise required for successful acquisitions (asset valuation, due diligence, drafting of contracts, etc.).
Project Development
The Kallista Energy Group have teams dedicated to the development of wind and solar farms as well as recharging stations and battery storage plants.
Our teams are involved from project design through to decommissioning or renewal. We work closely with local stakeholders to develop the most appropriate project for the region.
Financing energy projects and infrastructure
Kallista Energy owns all the wind farms it operates. We finance our investments partly with our own funds, but also through bank debt. Credit institutions are key players in our development and trusted partners with whom we have long-term relationships.
Building our infrastructure
Kallista Energy relies on recognised partners to bring its projects to life. Depending on the characteristics of the site (topography, geology, etc.) and the equipment selected, our projects mobilise the most competent multidisciplinary teams for the construction site: civil engineers, electricians, etc.
Operation & maintenance
Our employees ensure the smooth running of our energy infrastructures on a daily basis, with the support of teams from the manufacturers of wind turbines, solar panels and recharging stations…. In this way, we optimize the safety and performance of our facilities.
Since the 2000s, wind turbines have undergone technological advances in various fields: generator power and performance, materials used, predictive maintenance, acoustics, reliability, grid integration, etc. Thanks to these advances, it is now possible to install wind turbines capable of producing 4 times more electricity, or even more, than models manufactured some twenty years ago.
Kallista Energy is therefore gradually replacing its first-generation wind turbines with more efficient models.
Kallista Energy benefits from the long-term support of its institutional shareholders: APG, the largest Dutch civil servant pension fund, and Ardian, a global leader in private investments. Both are highly focused on the social and environmental impact of their investments and actively encourage Kallista Energy’s commitment to continuous improvement, including through an annual assessment by GRESB.
Since 2020, numerous Kallista Energy employees have been shareholders, fully aligning the team with the company’s values and vision. Each employee is committed to the long-term success and continuity of its projects.
Since 2021, Kallista Energy has been developing its activities in the Netherlands and Germany. The group is committed to developing projects while taking into account the specific regulatory and cultural characteristics of each country. Projects are therefore managed and developed by national teams to ensure the best relations with local stakeholders.
Kallista Energy was one of the very first players to repower a wind park in France (dismantling and installation of new turbines) back in 2017.
By 2024, Kallista Energy had already renewed more than 80 MW of wind power in France, and the company has initiated around 200 MW of authoriszed renewal projects.
Although Kallista Energy’s activities are intrinsically involved in the energy transition, our Group, despite its size, wants to play its full part in the fight against climate change. To this end, the Group has adopted an ambitious CSR strategy, with 19 commitments (Find out more) as of 2019. Kallista Energy has also set climate targets, validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), to pave the way towards Net Zero Emissions.
Kallista Energy develops its projects and operates its wind farms with the support of independent specialists (design offices, suppliers, etc.). Likewise, our projects are developed in close collaboration with local stakeholders, starting with the municipalities in which they are located.
Because our infrastructure projects sometimes span more than 20 years, our aim is to build a long-term relationship of trust with our stakeholders.