Our values


Kallista Energy’s mission is to develop energy sources that build a viable future for the next generations. We want to deliver electricity at a competitive price, while taking into account the climate emergency.

This conviction is reflected in our teams’ daily operations by an approach that aims to improve our environmental and social performance, both for our wind farms and in our offices.

With respect to our stakeholders, this conviction is reflected in:

  • A strict code of ethics;
  • A well-regulated industrial process;
  • Risk management policies that are based on professionalism, transparency and a forward-looking approach.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 17- II, 1° of the law of 9 December 2016, which is integrated in our group’s policy, even though it is below the thresholds set by the law, employees of Kallista Energy undertake to comply with a code of conduct that defines and illustrates the various types of behaviour, likely to indicate corruption or influence peddling, which are to be avoided. The code of conduct includes the option for any employee to escalate problems directly to the chairman of Kallista Energy’s audit committee, without having to report the issue via the company’s management hierarchy.

For example, when developing our projects, we are particularly attentive to the following situations: the demand for abnormal rent, the dispossession of a family member (farmer, usufructuary or joint owner), a request for work or compensatory measures unrelated to the project, or the invoicing of rent for roads normally accessible to the public. Similarly, any verbal commitments or statements made during meetings must be recorded in writing and forwarded to the company’s management. Kallista Energy will prefer not to carry out or to lose a project rather than to win it by means whose legality is uncertain.

Kallista Energy would rather not complete a project or fail to win it, than win or complete it by means that are of questionable legality.
A pragmatic approach

Kallista Energy invests in competitive energies offering the best compromise between available resources, efficiency and environmental impact.
The choice of wind and solar power, far from being ideological, is based on the reliability of these technologies and their ever-increasing competitiveness.

Wind and solar power are among the most mature and least expensive renewable energies.

It is with the same pragmatism that Kallista Energy is studying the possibility of increasing the production capacity of its existing wind farms through renewal and the possibility of investing in other complementary activities.


For Kallista Energy, an energy strategy can only be designed with a long-term view. We are currently building an electricity generation capacity, viable over the long term without grants or allowances. Once the initial investments are amortised (15 to 20 years for wind farms), future generations will have access to extremely competitively priced energy with these power plants.

The choice of our investments is thus guided by wind farms that offer the guarantee of a viable production cost, once the energy purchase obligation deadlines have expired.

Our efficiency approach involves using the latest technologies to maximize the use of each site’s energy potential, while reducing maintenance costs. To this end, our Group has launched a program of systematic renewal of wind turbines designed in the 2000s, to ensure that we have the most efficient machines and the lowest maintenance costs.