Our energies

Contributing to the energy transition and electric mobility 

Kallista Energy’s core business is producing competitive, renewable electricity to contribute to the energy transition and electric mobility. Our group generates electricity from its wind and solar farms in France, Germany and the Netherlands. We are also developing a network of high-power recharging stations, the majority of which will be connected directly to our wind and solar farms. Kallista Energy is further diversifying its portfolio to accelerate the mass electrification of our uses by developing battery storage projects.

RTE (Réseau de Transport d’Électricité) sees the electric vehicle as an opportunity for our electricity grid, because with 15 million vehicles on the road by 2030, we will have 10 times more storage capacity than we have today with our dams [1]. Electric mobility will therefore boost the share of renewable energies in our energy mix.

Once the infrastructure has been built, producing energy from renewable sources generates very few CO2 emissions[2]. The development of renewable energies, decentralized by nature, also contributes to our country’s economy.

Projects for and with citizens

Kallista Energy has chosen to bear all the financial risks associated with the development of its renewable energy parks. Our experience and integrated team enable us to select and develop the best projects, both environmentally and economically. No stone is left unturned, guaranteeing the relevance of the project developed and its concrete contribution to the energy transition.

The local authorities and residents with whom we work take no risk should a project fail to materialize.

We work closely with local elected representatives and involve local residents in our projects through regular consultation sessions. Once the wind farm has been built, our project managers and operators based in the regions remain in contact with local elected representatives and ensure that the installation is running smoothly at all times.

Wind energy

Experience acquired since 2005 and one of the pioneers of wind farm repowering in France.

Solar energy

A complementary energy source to wind power, it also makes it possible to reconcile electricity production and agriculture.


Our goal: a network of over 90 ultra-high-power charging stations in France using 100% renewable electricity.

Battery storage

Diversification of our business to help accelerate the integration of renewable energies into the electricity grid through flexibility solutions.